Bildirgeçte wordpress kompetanı olun yazısında farkettiğim bir kaynakta 155 adet wordpress ile ilgili dersler , vidyolar , eklentiler ve birçok farklı link bulunduran bir listeyi sizinle paylaşmak istedim. Bildirgeçteki arkadaşımız bunu Türkçe olarak 60 adetini çevirerer sunmuş. Yazının devamında Türkçe başlıklar halinde ingilizce olarak tam listeyi vereceğim. WordPress ile uğraşan kişilerin ilgisini çekeceğini düşünüyorum. Ayrıca listenin en altında orjinal kaynağı ve bildirgeçteki Türkçe kaynağı bulabilirsiniz.
Gereksinimler ve Kurulum
1. Download Latest Version of WordPress (currently WP2.5.1).
2. Or, you can download previuos versions of WP (from version 0.71 and upwards).
3. Choose a Web Host that can handle WordPress, without paying a lot for it.
4. Here are the WordPress Server Requirments….
5. Choose a Domain Name, check that it is available.
6. Now, lets install WP. How abut the Quick 5 Minute Installation?.
7. If you have a little more time, or need to take a little more care, try the longer Installation Process.
8. Step by Step WordPress Installation.
9. Click here to read a great article on WordPress Installation.
10. Try this Screencast, if you are still having installation problems.
Local bilgisayarınıza wordpress kurun
11. Install WordPress Locally on Windows, with Xamplite.
12. Install WordPress Locally on Mac OSX, with Mamp.
13. Install WordPress Locally on Linux.
14. Try this screencast if you need to.
Tema sergilenen ve Ücretsiz wordpress tema dağıtılan yerler
15. WP Theme Viewer.
16. If you have the time, try getting through these 980 (honestly) themes.
17. 100 Favourite WordPress Themes, from Desperate Curiosity.
18. 100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes, from Smashing Magazine.
19. Here are my Top 30 WP Themes.
20. WP Themez.
21. Tutorial on how to install your new theme.
Magazin temaları
22. Free “WP Premium” Magazine Theme, from CSS ace .
23. The Morning After Magazine Theme.
24. A Minimalist WordPress Magazine Theme – Modicus Remix.
25. Upstart Blogger Futurosity Magazine (all themes on this site are phenomenal).
26. Structure: WordPress Magazine Theme.
27. Visionary: WordPress Magazine Theme (from the same designer as ‘Structure’.
28. Jello Wala Mello WordPress Theme.
Güvenlik hakkında eklentiler
29. Try Akismet to stop SPAM.
30. WordPress Database Backup Plugin, better being safe than sorry.
31. Toughen up your login with Semisecure Login.
32. Scans your site for security issues
İletişim formu oluşturan eklentiler
33. By far and away the best Contact Form Plugin.
34. TDO Mini Forms is another excellent plugin.
Yan menuler için widget eklentileri
35. If you are using a WP version below2.3, you will need to download this to install Widgets.
36. A massive list of Widgets.
Eklenti (plugin) dağııtımı yapan siteler
37. WordPress Official Plugin Site.
38. WordPress Plugin Repository.
39. WordPress Plugin Database.
40. Blogginpros Plugin Archive is great for newly released plugins.
41. Top 30 WordPress Plugins that are actually useful!.
42. 30 Free Resources for Photoblogging and Image Galleries (WordPress).
Sosyalleşme hakkında bilgiler ve eklentiler
43. Get an AddThis button for your site which links to all major social sites.
44. You could try this handy bookmarking plugin called Gregarious.
45. This is the bookmarking plugin I like to use, very simple to use and doesn’t ruin your sites theme.
WordPress RSS hakkında bilgiler
46. Feedburner is a very useful tool to use for your feeds.
47. Read all about RSS validation here.
48. CopyFeed is an excellent plugin, that works in conjunction with RSS.
Podcast ve WordPress
49. Read about Podcasting and WordPress.
50. Download the Podpress Plugin.
Screencasting ve WordPress
WordPress hakkında yazılan geniş içerikli yazılar ve siteler
52. WP Designer.
53. WP Candy.
54. Matt Mullenwegs personal blog (WordPress Founder).
55. Lorelle on WordPress.
56. Web Blog Tools Collection.
57. Solostream (excellent themes as well).
58. Lorelle on WordPress.
59. Easy WordPress.
60. Automattics blog.
61. Alex King.
62. Ryan on WordPress (WP developer).
63. Mark on WordPress.
Ajax ve WordPress
64. Read all about WordPress and Ajax from the Codex.
65. AJAXed WordPress Because WordPress loves AJAX (great site).
66. Ryan on WordPress (WP developer).
67. AJAX WP Themes.
68. The AJAX Libraries.
69. 30 AJAX powered WP Plugins.
AJAX (Javascript) Frameworks ile ileri düzey tasarım
70. Prototype Homepage.
71. Homepage, this works in conjunction with Prototype.
72. MooTools Homepage.
73. jQuery Homepage.
Bazı Ajax scriptler
74. 20 Top Scripts you can’t live without.
75. 41 of the Best MooTools Ajax Example Downloads.
76. 65 Excellent jQuery Resources (tutorials,cheat sheets,ebooks,demos,plugins…).
Hile yolu ile yapılan değişiklikler
77. WP Cheat Sheet from Andy Wibbels.
78. WP Cheat Sheet from WP Candy.
Admin paneli ile ilgili tema ve diğer eklentiler
79. WP Tiger Administration.
80. AFD WP2 Admin.
81. Js Style Admin + Drop Menus.
82. WP NiceAdmin.
İleri düzey WordPress dersleri
83.WordPress Theme Hacks.
84. No More CSS Hacks.
85. Create a Dynamic Sticky.
86. Styling Individual Posts Using the_ID.
87. Show Category Images.
88. Separate WordPress Comments and Trackbacks.
89. Customize your WordPress Login.
90. Date Image Hack.
91. How to place a login form in the sidebar.
100. WP: KeyBoard Shortcuts.
101. Making Better Use of Your Error “404? Page.
102. Customize Your 404 Page.
103. WordPress accessibility hacks.
104. Reset your Lost WordPress Administrator Password.
105. The Definitive Guide to Semantic Web Markup for Blogs.
106. Do-It-Yourself WordPress Hover Menu (Pop-Up).
107. How to Protect CSS Mods for ANY WordPress Theme.
108. WP Contact Manager.
109. WordPress and the custom fields, a overlooked feature.
110. DiggProof your WordPress.
111. WordPress Ajax Commenting revisited.
112. Widgetizing Themes. (Source: Automattic.)
113. Cloaking to Stop Scraping.
114. Server load button for blogs.
115. Giving each WordPress post a thumbnail, and display the thumbnail on the home page.
116. How to create overlapping tabs.
117. How to Optimize Your WordPress Title.
118. Blocking Your WordPress Categories and Archives From Google.
119. Adding An Author Page To Your WordPress Blog.
120. Make a Mobile Friendly Version of your Blog with Google Reader.121. How to Use WordPress as a Membership Directory.
122. How to Format Images for Feed Readers.
123. Add Daily Blog Posting To Your WordPress Blog.
124. Huge Compilation of WordPress Code.
125. 4 Simple ways to Speed up WordPress.
126. WordPress Date Button. (Source: WP Designer.
127. Wicked WordPress Archives in One Easy Step! .
128. Make Yourself Available to Readers with a Contact Form.
129. WordPress as a CMS – Content Management System.
130. Installing Xampp and WordPress (Locally).
131. WordPress Category Page Hacks.
132. 3 WordPress Hacks For SE-Friendly Blog Archives.
133. Opening Links in New Windows.
134. WordPress Thumbnail Size Limit Hack.
135. Restore your WordPress Database.
136. Validating WordPress.
137. Backing Up WordPress.
138. Getting your feet wet inWP.
139. Importing Content from another blog.
WordPress Vidyo dersleri
140. The Best WordPress Plug-ins.
141. How to embed YouTube Video in WordPress.
142. How to Upgrade WordPress.
143. Make Your WordPress Blog Search Engine Friendly.
144. – Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog.
145. How To Create A Custom WordPress Page Template.
146. Recover WordPress Password When You Have Forgotten It.
147. WordPress Tutorial – Edit a Sidebar File Using a Text Editor.
148. WordPress Tutorial – Make Menus of Links With the Blogroll2.
149. How-to: Use WordPress/PodPress to podcast to iTunes.
150. How to Put Adsense on Your WordPress Blog.
WordPress hakkında Podcast yayın yapan siteler
151. The WordPress Podcast.
152. The WordPress Weekly.
WordPress Showcase
153. We Love WP.
154. Loop Press.
WordPress Forumlar
155. WordPress Official Forum.
155. Easy WordPress Forum.
Guzel Bır Toplama Olmus Emegıne Saglık
Süper bir makale olmuş ellerinize sağlık… İngilizceye gerek yok arkadaşlar, google çeviri bile işinize görebiliyor 😉
Guzel Bır Makale Olmus Sagolunn
Müthiş bir derleme olmuş. WordPressi hiç bilmeyen biri bile bu kaynak sayesinde baya bir yol katedebilir. WordPress’te yeni olanlar veya kendisini WordPress’te geliştirmek isteyenler için oldukça faydalı bir kaynak olduğunu düşünüyorum. Emeğinize sağlık.
Elinize sağlık faydalı bir makale olmuş ..
Elinize sağlık,teşekkürler.
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Emeğinize sağlık güzel bir çalışma olmuş.
güzel çalışma için teşekkürler
nice post
teşekkürler hocam
mükemmel çok sağolun
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Bilgiler için teşekkürler, benim gibi öğrenme aşamasındakiler için bulunmaz bir kaynak
woooow very good ..
Çok güzel paylaşım olmuş, elinize sağlık ..
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